12 pounds of refrigerant times the $4.00 per pound number we came up with earlier = $48.00 for a completely fill up of your unit. 410a Refrigerant Freon Per Pound 2019 Sarahdoughty . R410a refrigerant in 25lb tank. Jafari Ghola . How Much Is R 410a Refrigerant Per Pound In 2019 R410a Freon 410a Refrigerant Fast Cooling Gas Me Per 4 Way Manifold To Suit Refrigerant Air Conditioning R410a R410a Refrigerant Opcregiondemurcia R410a Lilions Co 410a Refrigerant S R410a South Africa Freon Per Refrigerant Per Pound R410a Of 410a. Cuz I'm seeing 25 lb for $150. R22, R410a, R12 etc. Now, please keep in mind that as I said above these prices can change at any given time. 4 Way AC Diagnostic Manifold Gauge Set for Freon Charging and Vacuum Pump Evacuation, Fits R134A R410A and R22 Refrigerants, with 5FT Hose, 3 ACME Tank Adapters, Adjustable Couplers and Can Tap R410a costs around 70$ per 25 pound jug. 12 pounds of refrigerant times the $6.00 per pound number we came up with earlier = $72.00 for a complete fill up of your 410A machine. How Much Is R22 Per Pound Charix . To buy a jug you need a CFC certification. Jafari Ghola . Believe it or not, you’re not getting ripped off. The answer to this is fairly simple: if you have an older system, it might run on R-22 Freon refrigerant, which now runs anywhere between $80 and $115 or more per pound. That rose to $98 come 2019. Am I missing something or is that just the way it is and that's where the profit is? R410a refrigerant price $15.00 per pound Most air conditioners home or commercial use either R22 or the new refrigerant R410a Puron refrigerant. Since 2010, the US Environmental Protection Agency has required that all new HVAC units use a refrigerant called R410a, instead of the R22 (Freon) that was used previously. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Refrigerant R-410A 25lbs Jug Cylinder at the best online prices at eBay! Freon Per Pound Co 410a . R22 Freon Per Pound Danielg Co . Conclusion There you have it … You can get a can at an auto port for $20. Top cost price savings! 410a freon price cost per pound interior design what s a fair price for r 22 refrigerant angie list freon 410a fee cost price r pound 410a freon refrigerant per relise co r410a refrigerant 25lb cylinder freon 410a. In 2017 R-22 Freon cost, per pound was an estimated $78. DuPont chemicals owns the freon name. That’s because R410a is safe for the ozone layer, while R22 is not. However, here’s what you can do about it to avoid having to pay such extreme prices. Cuz I'm seeing 25 lb for $150. Freon r22 per pound 2017 phase out selvaica co freon s per pound 410a central air for hvac freon r22 2018 bandung freon refrigerant r air conditioner of r22. Freon is extremely expensive but R134a is around $7 per 12 ounce can. Post-2020, due to production being prohibited, we will mostly experience a supply and demand price hike. How Much Is R 410a Refrigerant Per Pound In 2019 R410a Freon 410a Refrigerant Fast Cooling Gas Me Per 4 Way Manifold To Suit Refrigerant Air Conditioning R410a R410a Refrigerant Opcregiondemurcia R410a Lilions Co 410a Refrigerant S R410a South Africa Freon Per Refrigerant Per Pound R410a Of 410a. As there is only expected to be 13 million pounds of R-22 produced in 2017, we have seen a significant spike in the cost of R-22 (currently the cost is roughly $160 per pound) and anticipate that the cost will continue to rise throughout the summer.