I have recently had a extra toilet fitted in my bathroom (which is located next door to an existing toilet). There was never a first floor on the property, the house was only a basement, built in the 70's, never finished for whatever reason, it sat 3' out of the ground … To do this, the toilet must be placed within 10 feet of the stack. Waste and Vent Pipes Install a 4-inch vertical PVC pipe that extends from a point at least one foot above... Place the drain for the toilet at a location in the bathroom that will provide enough clearance... Cut a 3- or 4-inch diameter hole for the drain in the subfloor with a reciprocating saw. Plumbing is the most expensive area of a full bathroom remodel, but it's worth looking into as bathroom remodels provide some of the highest resale returns on investment. For example, the Qwik Jon® Ultima Sewage System by Zoeller is designed so you can put a toilet just about anywhere, which is perfect for your new bathroom project. With careful planning and the help of innovative upflush plumbing fixtures, it is possible to add a bathroom to virtually any home, according to SFA Saniflo Inc. Extra toilet plumbed via existing toilet. It doesn’t have to be. I have recently had a extra toilet fitted in my bathroom (which is located next door to an existing toilet). When planning to add a toilet to your septic system, it's important to contact the building authorites to find out if you can do it. To use plumber's tape, wrap the tape around the pipe, align holes and screw through the tape's holes to a framing member. Another way is to place the new fixture or fixtures back-to-back with an existing group attached to the main soil stack (see below left). Water supply line not an issue. The cost will largely depend on how close you can run the necessary plumbing for the new bathroom to the home's existing plumbing. "New" appliance or fixture does not have to be in the same room as the "host" toilet. He may have not fitted the toilet properly. Instead of running these pipes up along the side of the garage, where they can freeze in winter, bring them up from the floor inside the garage. Add-A-Drain is a simple product for adding a drain line where it's needed (Click below to see some examples) In a perfect world, the hookup of the toilet drain to the existing drain, typically the main stack or main drain line, would just involve PVC or ABS pipe, a hacksaw, and some pipe primer and cement. Any references with a diagram? If your planned addition is across the house from the existing plumbing, you’ll probably need to run a new vent stack up through the roof and a new branch drain to the soil stack (see below right) or to the main house drain via an existing cleanout.