Sun Gold cultivar is one of the most favorite cherry tomato varieties of many growers due to its sweet taste. They're also pretty easy to grow as long as you're prepared for signs that something is wrong. The compact Better Boy plants are easy to take care of, and give a reliable heavy yield. Hybrid Determinate for Pots 1. This heavy foliage protects the delicate fruit from sunscald. Another good thing about growing Better Boy tomatoes is their dense foliage. Better Boy. Better Boy Tomato Info. Read more. Heavy foliage protects fruits from sun-scald. Heirloom tomatoes come in a wide variety of shapes, colors, and sizes—there's an heirloom tomato for every space. In the interior South, Better Boy tomatoes are valued for heat tolerance and productivity, while Black Cherry tomatoes earn props for disease resistance. They also need fertile soil. We are actually growing some Better Boy tomatoes in our garden this year. Each full-grown Big Boy tomato weighs from 9 ounces to more than 1 … Better Boy tomatoes are indeterminate, which means they should be grown in cages or staked tepee-style. One of the best tasting, best producing garden hybrid tomatoes. One of the most popular tomatoes grown in the United States and one of the all time best sellers. When planting, add 2 or 3 inches of compost to the bottom of each hole, along with a handful of bonemeal. It is a Guinness World Record holder for highest yielding tomato, producing 342 lbs of tomatoes from one plant. Beefsteak tomatoes are the largest variety of cultivated tomatoes. Fruits are extremely flavorful, with flesh that's juicy, yet firm. There's nothing quite like the aroma and taste of a homegrown tomato. But at 8 feet tall (big for even a Better Boy, especially in containers) and lots of leafy growth, it sounds like they’ve been on a solid watering schedule and have had some good food – especially nitrogen. Measurements. Better Boy is a midseason, hybrid tomato that is extremely popular. The plants easily adapt to a variety of conditions and reliably produce fruit with classic tomato flavor. They also produce a ton of fruit without many seeds, making them perfect for sauce and paste. Neutral: On Jun 22, 2006, Greenthumbe from Scripps Ranch, (San Diego), CA (Zone 9b) wrote: Hello, a friend gave me an extra better boy tomato so I planted it and at first it grew fine. The plants have grown to over 6 feet tall now with literally a few hundred tomatoes. Known as an indeterminate tomato plant variety, Big Boy has vines that continue to grow throughout the growing season. The size of this tomato cultivar like ‘Sweet 100’ is huge and requires big containers (anywhere between 18-24 inches in size) and support. It is actually a variety of tomato that has won a Guinness World Record too. But many of these varieties are prized for having an old-time taste—they're a far cry from tomatoes at the grocery store, or even from many modern hybrids like 'Better Boy' or 'Early Girl'.