With just a few materials and a little bit of time, you can put together these cheap raised garden beds. You can also build raised garden beds to hold flowers or bulbs. With a little creativity, you can create an entire garden area. You can fill planters with top-quality soil for more productivity in a smaller space. You can overlap the planks by screwing through one board into the end of another, or screw the boards into wooden corner posts. Cheap Raised Garden Beds You Can DIY. How To Build a Metal Raised Garden Bed. Position your 4x4s on each corner of your square to form a garden bed frame. Stack a second 2x6 on top of the first. Plants are often healthier and more productive in a raised bed because you can control the quality of the soil and water drainage. Building a raised bed is an easy weekend activity that will reap the rewards of homegrown fruits and veggies, as well as boost your DIY morale. And what better reward is there for a garden well tended than a crisp carrot straight from the earth (washed, of course) or a nice ripe tomato right from the vine. If you’d told me last year I would build a DIY raised garden bed with my own two hands, I would have laughed in your face. The popularity of raised-bed gardening continually picks up speed as more people turn back to nature as a source of cheap, safe, healthy, and reliable food. Whichever way you do it, it’s easier if you pre-drill the holes in the outer board to one size smaller than the screw diameter. Raised beds are a great way of growing a wide range of plants, and are particularly popular for growing fruit and vegetables. The beauty of this particular raised bed build is that it is cheap and easy to build. The list of reasons for switching to raised vegetable garden beds is long, but these are the main advantages: Tending raised plants is a lot easier on the back and knees. With popularity comes innovation, and with innovation comes blog after blog featuring different building materials for developing raised-bed … Raised beds are also a useful way to garden if you have restricted mobility, as they reduce the need to bend. And it’s just the thing to turn your backyard into the farm of your dreams. A raised planting bed is a large planting box or enclosed garden bed that's elevated slightly above ground level. Taking just a couple of weekends to complete this project, you’ll soon be enjoying the benefits of gardening, without back pain too. This multi-level raised bed built with simple straight lines by Peter Donegan Landscaping comes complete with a potting shed and night lighting. They are a good way of boosting drainage and can be used to introduce a different soil type to your garden. Raised beds curtail creeping weeds and drifting seeds. Planting in a Raised Garden Bed. I love the zen of combining beauty and function. Then pick a wall to start with and screw your first 2x6 to connect the corners of the raised bed. I thought in this post I could provide a brief overview of how to build a cheap raised bed, either for use on your nature strip or in your front or back yards. Share with your friends: Growing food in metal raised garden bed is a crucial step in one of my house goals. Again, if you live in an area with many sidewalks, this raised bed will blend right in. Follow our directions, and you’ll be able to build the 4- by 8-foot bed pictured here as a weekend project. 48. A raised bed—essentially a large planting box—is the ultimate problem solver: It offers perfect drainage, protection from pests, and easy access to crops. How to Build a Raised Garden Bed From an Old Shipping Pallet. The ends of the 2x6 boards should be even with the sides of the post. How to Construct a Raised Planting Bed. Learn how to build a raised garden bed for less than $15 per box. Raised bed gardens can be designed to fit just about any space. The basic idea is to build a garden bed out of concrete. Plant a vegetable patch in your new DIY raised garden bed. You will be planting seeds and transplants close, because the beds are smaller and the soil is richer.