Why You Should Actually Look Forward to Being Alone Forever We asked a psychologist about how playing the long game as someone who doesn't commit to romantic relationships can pay off. (me: i hate red, but i like your personality) Many people e.g. By Ashley Fern. (ha, you thought i was gonna ask what was your fav color, didnt you???) Take a deep breath and say “om”. Thinking that you’ll be single forever is the death of a dream, of your hopes for a family or a life with a partner….but being single is NOT the death of your happiness or joy in life. ... As long as your not a terrible or mean person, i want to say its impossible for you to be alone forever. In choosing to live alone, you can basically behave any way you want without consulting another person. Go to the grocery store and watch how people shop for their groceries. As you do, you should say to yourself what my mother always says, "I wonder what the peasants are doing?" ... You might not have to live alone forever. Two real life forever alone examples are scientists Nicola Tesla and Isaac Newton who died virgins. And though occasional feelings of loneliness are natural, why feel lonely when you don’t have to? How to stop thinking you’ll be alone forever Step one – change your thoughts: do a reality check. Back then, only 1 in 10 of them lived alone; today it is1 in 3. Alone time will allow you to … Is it normal to want to live alone forever? I’ve mentioned this before but the cold hard truth of being “forever alone” is that some people do die without ever having found love… but you never know if you’re one of them until you die. If you want to have five friends from out of town stay with you for a weekend, there's no one to stop you. This is a huge opportunity and time for self-discovery. Once you have accepted that being alone is normal and natural, you will begin to realize that it’s okay and be perfectly happy while alone. The Truth About Being Forever Alone. Here is what you have to know about living by yourself and moving forward. There are things you can do to create a home that repels loneliness when you live solo. Forever Alone In Real Life. When things cannot be combated, they have to be endured, so practice patience and learn to let go. Unless you are making a choice to remain single, you never know who God (or fate, if … None of us know which moment is going to be our last. You aren't encroaching on anyone else's space, seeing as the entire apartment is yours. Their stories—which came from men and women of all ages, locations, and socioeconomic backgrounds—make it clear that … Lots of other people have given up and they live celibate lives. I think the only way to deal with the thought of being alone forever is to not think of it that way. Everywhere you go, make an effort to understand the other people around you.