If you are expecting juicy and sweet this is not your tomato. Black skinned tomatoes with crimson flesh. To deliver sound fruit, pick fruit less ripe the further the distance and the longer the time between the field and the customer. Conclusion: Whether you will enjoy the taste of Indigo Rose is personal. Some of them reminded me of the color of ripe persimmons. A: 'Indigo Rose' was released in 2012 as the first truly purple tomato, one with skin as dark as an eggplant. They are not beef steak tomatoes, nor do they try to be. This is because, unlike most tomatoes, which turn from green to another color when ripe, 'Indigo Rose' turns purple when it's still green inside. The fruits weighing, about 35 grams, are ready to pick when the fruits fade from blue-purple to a beautiful glossy purple-pink. They are a pigment’s paradise, and hybridizers have taken full advantage … I have tried a few but they seem to be kind of bland. Organic Non-GMO Indigo Rose Tomato JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. The tomatoes will be purple where exposed to light and they tend to have a purple crown. Indigo Rose naturally contains a lot of antioxidants and is therefore a very … Indigo Rose was developed at Oregon State University. Solanum lycopersicum. Picking this new tomato variety certainly does require a shift in perception. Anthocyanins are essentially tasteless." Red tomatoes have a pigment called lycopene, orange tomatoes contain beta-carotene, and yellow tomatoes contain several other carotenoids. The purples and blues of the produce world are said to have high levels of antioxidants, such as the blueberry. The recommended plant spacing is 36 inches apart. Indigo Rose must be allowed to ripen fully for complete development of sugars and acids. Earlier this year Suttons Seeds contacted me about trialling their new tomato variety, the Indigo Rose.Part of the James Wong Homegrown Revolution range, this black tomato was officially released at the Chelsea Flower Show and is being touted for its disease resistance, health benefits, productivity, unique colour, and sweet plum-like taste. Tomato hornworms can be controlled with Bacillus thuringiensis. In 2012, a new tomato appeared on the market named Indigo™ ‘Indigo Rose’. Perfect for salads and garnishes. Indigo Rose fruits do not ripen to a deep tomato red. 75 days. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Use spinosad for potato beetle larvae and adults. In the early stages of fruit development, Indigo Rose develops a dark purple pigment in its skin where exposed to direct sunlight. Raw Indigo Rose cherry tomatoes are exemplary in salads and fresh salsas, or they can even be cooked and processed to make compotes and jams, or blanched and pureed for soups and granitas. Plant produces heavy yields of 1 to 2 oz bi-colored red cherry tomatoes with deep purple tops. HARVEST: Fully vine-ripen fruit only for local retailing or use. I may have picked them too early. Indigo Rose Tomatos Is anyone familiar with the Indigo Rose Tomato? Their mission is to breed tomatoes with higher levels of antioxidants. My question involves when it is ripe. We use cookies to personalise content, analyse website performance and for advertising purposes. ‘Indigo Rose’ contains a pigment called anthocyanin. Open Pollinated. The purple skin has high levels of anthocya I spotted an Indigo Rose at a nursery and bought one. This indeterminate variety is grown just like any other tomato variety. Myers cautions not to pick the tomato too soon. If you are expecting juicy and sweet this is not your tomato. Anyone with any ideas? The taste is then really at its best and delightfully balanced in terms of sweet and sour. Southern AZ is a challenging place to grow tomatoes. It does have a good balance of sugars and acids and tastes just like a tomato. It's easy to harvest too early because the usual visual clues won't be there. It is a cherry tomato that is dark purple (almost black). Indigo Rose in its early stages is as black as an aubergine and because of the later change in colour very pretty in your salads. Buy Tomato 'Indigo Rose' from Sarah Raven: This blue-black tomato variety contains good levels of Anthocyanin and Lycopene – two key antioxidants, so is super-healthy. The fruit is jet black on the outside and juicy purple-red on the inside. Indigo Rose is a purple tomato. Indigo Rose cherry tomatoes are great for fresh eating, but can also easily replace cherry tomatoes in any recipe, either hot or cold. Indigo Rose tomatoes, planted in mid-May, are about ready to pick in early July On May 17, we planted more than a dozen varieties of heirloom tomatoes, supplied by the City Harvest program, in the plots at Garden RUN that are tended for the benefit of a neighborhood food pantry. Tomato ‘Indigo Rose’: Final Assessment. The ‘Indigo Rose’ is a new, strangely-colored variety of tomato. Conclusion: Whether you will enjoy the taste of Indigo Rose is personal. If you pick an Indigo Rose and expose the non-purple area to sunlight, it will turn purple in about a week.