However, the quantity of total phenolic and ascorbic acid is higher in baked and boiled sweet potatoes as compared to fresh samples. Potato juice can be an effective alternative hair treatment. It works wonders for the under-eye area. 5. Sweet potato skin is also full of antioxidants. The β-carotene contents of baked and boiled sweet potatoes are reported to be lower than those of fresh sweet potatoes. Sweet potato skin is edible, and you may miss out on some health benefits if you toss it. Keep the juice in the fridge for 30 minutes. Now add one teaspoon of honey to it and apply on your face. Gently massage the sliced potato over the skin for a few minutes. That’s more than twice the amount in a medium banana. Packed with nutrients. The juice can help you lose weight, take one cup of Potato Juice in the morning before breakfast… and in the evening 2 to 3 hours before going to bed. Blood Sugar Stabilization: Sweet potato is a rich source of carotene and Vitamin B6.The carotene components alleviate the blood sugar by responding to the insulin. ... Tobacco affects the skin of both those who smoke but also of those who are exposed to smoke. Since the skin under our eyes is thin, it tends to wrinkle fast, potato juice comes to the rescue." Rub the raw potato slices on acne, pimples, burns or warts, so that the juice of the potato is spread across the affected area. Make a fine juice using raw potato (without skin). Leave it to dry for 30 minutes, or even over-night. It has skin tightening properties and can reduce premature ageing and wrinkles. Sweet potatoes are naturally sweet vegetables that are high in vitamins and fiber, and low-calorie. Nutritional Benefits Of Sweet Potatoes. So in essence, sweet potato leaves help protect the tissues around the arteries. Although potato juice may lack the glamour … The vitamin A available in sweet potato juice also helps prevent dry eyes, age-related macular degeneration, peripheral vision loss and night blindness. The Vitamin B6 curtails the diabetes-related heart disease. Sweet potatoes are a popular root vegetable, packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. #3. Using this juice for skin health is very popular as it can clear up a huge variety of skin conditions, including dry skin, wrinkles, age spots, inflammation, and wounds. It is said that the vitamin A in sweet potato is 1000x more than a white potato, making it one of the best foods for your eyesight. Sweet potato skin is edible, and you may miss out on some health benefits if you toss it. High vitamin A content is just one of the benefits of sweet potato skin nutrition. Packed with nutrients. shared Dr. Bharadwaj. 6. Let the juice rest for 15 minutes and rinse it off with water. It is rich in beta-carotene and also contains vitamin C, though in a small amount. Dried Sweet Potato Skins Versus Fresh. You can also add a few drops of lemon juice if you have oily skin. Sweet potato juice is a rich source of vitamin A,, which plays an important role in the health of your eyes. The juice is savory rather than sweet, although apple juice is sometimes added to boost flavor. Sweet potatoes are a versatile vegetable, suitable for many preparations, but these tubers can also be juiced. Here are 6 surprising health benefits of sweet potatoes. Potato juice also works as a skin brightening agent. You can also grate the potato, extract juice from it and apply over the skin. To get a serving of potato juice—either to use in smoothies as a nutrient-rich accompanist to other fruits and veggies, or for use as a topical medicine—simply cube up two medium potatoes, then run them through your juicer. 4. Potato Juice is great for eczema and even acne helping to clear up your skin in no time. Carrot and sweet potato juice is tasty and outstanding for the complexion. Here are 6 surprising health benefits of sweet potatoes. It helps reduce dark circles. This starchy yet sweet tasting root has a thick skin from outside with a … Sweet potatoes, especially the deeper-colored ones, are extremely rich in carotenes (precursor of vitamin A). The skin and flesh of fresh, baked sweet potato are a low-fat source of fiber and vitamins that contribute to a healthy diet. So the benefits of eating raw sweet potatoes can differ from boiled or baked sweet potato benefits. Sweet potato benefits for men and women include improving eye health, enhancing immunity, boosting brain function, aiding in weight loss and regulating blood sugar. If potatoes are your guilty pleasure, there may be a way for you to have your spuds and drink them, too. 4. Potato Juice for Skin. Including a few grams of fat in your sweet potato recipes can significantly increase the amount of beta-carotene your body absorbs from the meal. For added benefits, you can add a pinch of turmeric to potato juice. There are a huge number of skin benefits that come from potato juice, including the easing of sunburn pain and the faster generation of skin cells, according to Best Herbal Health. A medium-sized sweet potato has about 102 calories. There is also the presence of vitamins and antioxidant compounds in raw potato juice, which helps improve the skin tone and has antibacterial properties. The regular and moderate use of this vegetable in cooking is one way for its benefits to rub off on you.