A sapota a day might just keep the eye doctor away. Sapota is another name for the fruit better known as ‘chikoo’. चीकू करें तनाव को दूर - Chiku Benefits for Stress in Hindi. सूजन को कम करने में उपयोगी है चीकू - Chiku Good for Inflammation in Hindi. Chiku Benefits in hindi चीकू (sapota or Sapodilla) हमारी प्रकृति द्वारा दिया गया एक नायाब तोहफा है चीकू के फायदे गुण लाभ अनेक है Chiku ke Fayde aur Nuksan Okay maybe we are exaggerating a bit, but the ... 2. When we say sapota, we are basically referring to the tropical evergreen tree that bears this fruit. 10 Incredible Sapota (Chiku) Benefits: From Boosting Energy to Bone Health. Health benefits of Chikoo (Sapodilla) Chikoo or Sapodillla is one of the most popular tropical fruit apart from mango, banana, and jackfruit. Categories फलों के फायदे Tags Chiku Benefits in hindi, Chiku Ke nukshan, चीकू की खेती, चीकू की जानकारी, चीकू की तासिर, चीकू के नुकसान, चीकू के फायदे Fruit that is overripe will taste mushy and fermented. The skin is rough and leathery. Chikoo Health Benefits: We should consume chiku every day, because this fruit is full of vitamins हमें रोज चीकू फल का सेवन करना चाहिए चीकू रखें रक्तचाप को नियंत्रित - Mamey Sapote Controls Blood Pressure in Hindi. चीकू एक बहुत ही लाभदायक फल है. चीकू का सेवन करे एनर्जी के लिए - Chiku for Energy in Hindi. It lives for long. Chiku (sapota) fruit benefits in hindi आलू की तरह दिखने वाला चीकू एक मीठा फल है, जो हर मौसम में पाया जाता है. तो दोस्तों आज का हमारा यह टोपिक चीकू खाने के 10 जबरदस्‍त फायदे | Amazing Top 10 sapodilla benefits in hindi केसा लगा हमें Comment box में जरुर बताए और … चीकू स्वादिष्ट होने के साथ-साथ कई पोषक तत्वों से भी भरपूर होता है. चीकू के गुण करें पाचन में मदद - Chiku Helps in Digestion in Hindi. Health Benefits of Chiku (Sapodilla) Chiku is rich in dietary fibre, may be used as a good natural laxative. Chiku is an evergreen tree. This tree is actually from the Caribbean, Central America and southern Mexico.This fruit started to be grown in Philippines as well after the Spanish colonized them Rich in Vitamin A and C. Did you know that? Chiku Fruit Benefits in Hindi. The fruit is exceptionally sweet and delicious which also contains high amount of nutritional values. MyHealthHindi- Find Best Health and Fitness Information, Relationship Tips, Grooming Tips, Lifestyle Tips, Nutrition, Beauty Tips in Hindi. Being having adequate fibre, it helps to aid in digestion thus relieves from indigestion and constipation. Categories फलों के फायदे Tags Chiku Benefits in hindi, Chiku Ke nukshan, चीकू की खेती, चीकू की जानकारी, चीकू की तासिर, चीकू के नुकसान, चीकू के फायदे चीकू खाने के जबरदस्‍त फायदे | Amazing sapodilla benefits in hindi गर्मियों के मौसमी फलों में शामिल चीकू बहुत स्वाद के साथ ही सेहत का खजाना भी समेटे हुए है इसे इंग्लिश में sapota कहते है, जिसे बहुत कम लोग जानते होंगें. Sapota is another name for the fruit better known as ‘ chikoo ’ or ‘ chiku’ in Hindi, ‘ sapota’ in Telugu, ‘ chikku ‘ in Marathi, ‘ cappotta ‘ in Tamil and ‘ sapeta’ in Bengali. Essay on Chiku Fruit. The flesh is pale brown, smooth, and buttery in texture with an exceptionally sweet taste. The fruit is normally eaten raw, with the skin intact. The various health benefits of sapota are given below: Transformation: 'हाथी मेरे साथी' के लिए राणा दग्गुबाती ने कम क‍िए 30 KG, शेयर क‍िए फिटनेस टिप्‍स The fruit of a Chickoo tree consists of large, brown berries each containing 2-5 shiny, black seeds. October 5, 2019 0. 1. Chiku Khane Ke Fayde | चीकू खाने के 11 फायदे और कुछ नुकसान . Energy Provider. Benefits of Chiku in Hindi, pregnancy me chiku, digestion ke liye Chiku, Mootra dwara ashudhiyan bahar nikale chiku, tooth cavities ke liye chiku