All patients who complain of a fish bone stuck in the throat should be taken seriously as a fish bone can perforate the oesophagus in only a few days leading to several complications. But there are often ways to resolve the issue at home. All possible fish bone in throat patients need to be subjected for endoscopy to avoid complications and morbidity. In 79% no fish bone was i have the worst fish bone case . However, getting a fish bone stuck in the throat can be a daunting experience — you can feel a stabbing sensation in your gullet each time you swallow, cough or clear your throat. She tried drinking lots of water but nothing happened. However, be aware of its precautions so that if there is any situation in the future, then get rid of it immediately. Read on to know natural ways to get rid of it in no time. Availability of rod lens telescope, video-endoscopy, varieties of forceps and safer anesthesia facility has facilitated removal of fish bone in throat. And also will be drooling of saliva. Fishbonesin thethroat L. C. KNIGHT1&T. Chicken bone, bottle tops, bay leaf, pills, battery and coin are the other common foreign bodies stuck in the throat and commonly seen in the ENT clinics. i had a feeling of it getting stuck on day 1 , after that there ws only a very minor discomfort for few days hardly i felt . It's important to seek medical attention if you don't cough it up within the first few minutes. Medical treatment to remove fish bone stuck in throat works through a series of steps. Firstly, to determine the exact location of the fish bone stuck in your throat, the medical care provider may carry out an X-ray that involves ingesting a barium-based liquid. As a classical homeopath, i gave her SILICA 200ch 3x for one day. Getting food stuck in the throat can be worrisome. While enjoying her meal of galunggong (fish) and rice, a fishbone got stuck in her throat and felt a lot of discomfort. A fish bone stuck in your throat could be due to the bone sticking at the back of the mouth or the throat muscles contracted while you were eating and stabbed the wall of your esophagus. All patients who complain of a fish bone stuck in the throat should be taken seriously as a fish bone can perforate the oesophagus in only a few days leading to several complications. Patient ate fish tacos 4 nights prior to arrival. Getting a fishbone stuck in your throat is certainly an unpleasant feeling! It's important to seek medical attention if you don't cough it up within the first few minutes. When you get a fish bone stuck in your throat, it can be a scary and painful ordeal. Introduction . i gooled around and no one have this issue as me.a fine small fish bone stuck deep inside my throat 10 ago. 1. This must be one of the most common problems faced by people who love eating fish. 7. This is the immediate action one must perform if you suspect fish bone gets stuck in your throat. Fish bone in the throat If you have swallowed a fish bone there will be pain and dysphagia. She tried drinking lots of water but nothing happened. I normally feel the pain when I swallow. Getting a fishbone stuck in your throat is certainly an unpleasant feeling! on day 4 and 5 the feeliing gets abit stronger, on day six i went to see a GP.