The 2019 Music Performance Diploma Syllabus. There will be a two-session overlap – the old syllabus will be accepted for exams up to and including the Summer session of 2019. Music Theatre Syllabus 2013–2018; Teaching Diplomas Syllabus; First exams for the 2019–2021 syllabus will be in the Spring session of 2019. Extensive repertoire with over 3,500 pieces on lists exclusively available online and updated at regular intervals with newly approved pieces; Performance focus; 96% of the marks are awarded for the recital for ATCL and LTCL, with detailed programme notes only required for FTCL diplomas. Applicants normally hold a Diploma or Degree from either a recognised UK drama school or from an overseas conservatoire of equal standing, together with relevant experience. The Guildhall School of Music and Drama is a conservatoire and drama school located in the City of London, United Kingdom.Established in 1880, the school offers undergraduate and postgraduate training in all aspects of classical music and jazz along with drama and technical theatre arts. 31 Dec 2000. In 2004, Trinity College London's performing arts examinations division merged with the external examinations department of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama to form Trinity Guildhall. Studying Music Therapy at Guildhall School is a unique experience. In addition to grade examinations, music and drama diplomas are available at three levels - Associateship (ATCL), Licentiateship (LTCL), and Fellowship (FTCL). ... During 2009, any diploma existing in the 2005–2008 syllabus but not in the syllabus from 2009 (e.g. Guildhall School of Music and Drama offers musicians, actors, stage managers and production artists an inspiring environment in which to develop as artists and professionals. You will join one of the world’s leading conservatoires, receiving one-to-one tuition on both your Principal Study and Second Study instruments with the School’s teachers. The examination will be exactly the same for LTCL and LGSMD. Above all, at Guildhall School of Music & Drama, we believe in the power of performing arts to transform people’s lives, and to radically enrich the world around us. Guildhall School of Music and Drama offers musicians, actors, stage managers and production artists an inspiring environment in which to develop as artists and professionals. Guildhall School of Music and Drama Excercises and Pieces for Snare Drum: Grades 1 and 2. It has professional partnerships with the Barbican Centre, the London Symphony Orchestra, the BBC Symphony Orchestra, the Royal Opera House and the Academy of Ancient Music. Top tips and course advice on studying a course in Training Actors at Drama, Guildhall School of Music & Drama.