Everyone is different. This is why you should drink coconut water every day 6 health benefits of drinking coconut water every day 11 reasons why you should start drinking coconut water every day 19 surprising health benefits of drinking coconut water 8 best coconut water brands of 2019 tastingCoconut Water Nutrition Facts Calories Carbs And HealthWhat Is The … You’ll Lose Weight. Use these guidelines to make sure you get all the benefits without being tricked into buying an unhealthy alternative. And though I know it's important to stay hydrated so my organs don't shut down and I don't have a pounding headache, I've never been totally clear on the exact health benefits of drinking coconut water and why coconut water is so hydrating. Is it safe to drink Vita Coco while pregnant? Drink as much water a day as you can, but make certain that you do drink at least 8 glasses a day. It’s more of an indirect result, as you’re able to drink coconut water in large amounts because it’s low in fat, which curbs your appetite. Health risks with too much consuming of coconut water: Coconut water is the rich source of minerals, antioxidants, and sugars which help in curing dehydration, curing constipation, reducing body heat, etc. Sailing through the summer season also became easy because coconut water did not make me feel the need to drink … Coconut water is the ultimate thirst quencher and offers a tasty alternative to water. When you consistently drink coconut water for a week, you may find yourself shedding some pounds. As much as you should drink a day anyway. Pregnant women can drink our coconut water, because it’s flash pasteurized (learn more about flash pasteurization in the OUR PRODUCTS section). I do drink 2-3 glasses per day. The hydration provided by coconut water keeps the skin smooth and glowing, thus providing a younger look to the whole body. I drink coconut water everyday, it actually helps my irregular heart beat, and do suffer from ventricular fibrallation, but not as often as I used to before I drank coconut water. It's about as hydrating as water and high in potassium, but there are better ways to get those qualities from food and drink. Coconut water is as a natural energy or sports drink due to its high potassium and mineral content with small amounts of fat, carbohydrates, and calories. Avoid coconut waters with added flavors or sugar. See what all the fuss is about, but be careful to make the right choices, since not all coconut waters are created equal. and water. One study from 2005 has looked at coconut water's effect on high blood pressure. Coconut water is tapped from the center of young, green coconuts and, unlike coconut milk, is not fatty and has a light, clean taste. Drinking coconut water at least 3-4 times a day may help in losing those extra kilos. Drinking enough fluids is important for kidney stone prevention. If you have an allergy or health condition, check with a physician before consuming Vita Coco just to be safe! Coconut water is one of those beverages my health conscious friends are always trying to convince me to drink more of. While coconut water is a low-fat drink (only about 4 calories per cup come from fats), most of the calories it contains are in a form of sugars. Yes! When compared to a traditional sports drink, coconut water is made with far fewer processed ingredients while providing much of the same benefit, which is a plus. 5. If you like your bananas unpeeled, de-fibered and super-expensive, this drink is for you. What are the real benefits of coconut water? When you consistently drink coconut water for a week, you may find yourself shedding some pounds. Here are 8 Benefits of Coconut Water that explain why it has become so popular: 1. Actual Research. Here are 7 amazing benefits of drinking coconut water daily. However, any calorie-containing electrolyte drink—natural or not—is most beneficial during and after exercise and should not be a main fluid source elsewhere throughout the day. This pure liquid is packed with nutrients that yield an array of health benefits. As a result, the wrinkles and fine aging lines on the skin are much delayed due to regular intake of this natural drink. The primary ingredient should be 100 percent coconut water, there should not be any added fruit juices, natural or artificial ingredients, or anything that may indicate that the water was modified in any way.