Deep-purple pine cone shaped flower heads are topped with delicate lavender petals.
It requires a mild climate with good sunshine, moderate rainfall, and a well drained soil with a near neutral pH (6.5 to 7.3).
It was probably the lavender used in Roman baths. In appearance, Spanish lavender is similar to other varieties, growing in small shrubs that make great low hedges or bed borders. 'Silver Anouk' Lavender is a beautiful Spanish lavender variety with fragrant silvery foliage and deep purple blooms topped by cheery lavender flags. Just prune back. Growing requirements are basically the same for all Lavender plants with some being a little more tolerant of certain conditions than others. Although lavender (Lavandula spp.) Monrovia's Hazel™ Spanish Lavender details and information. A favorite with butterflies, Spanish Lavender (sometimes known as French Lavender) is distinguished by its unique, tufted blooms. Lavender is an aromatic herb originally hailing from the Mediterranean. Spanish lavender has a short, full flower spike with open “petals” at the top, distinguishing it from other types. 10-14" tall x 12-18" wide. The genus name, meaning to wash, alludes to the ancient custom of scenting bathwater with oil of lavender or a few lavender flowers. Judge for yourself. Spanish Lavender will steal your heart with its unique blooms. (Lavandula stoechas) Easy. Remove about one-third of each plant's stems, being careful not to remove all leaves, and cut off any remaining spent flowers. If you won’t be harvesting the blooms of repeat performers, such as Spanish lavender, cut off faded lavender flowers to keep new ones coming. Spanish lavender cultivar is a standout: the most ruffled Spanish lavender ever, and the first to feature multiple bracts. This beautiful ribbon of 20 year old Spanish Lavender is fronted by blooming Hot Lips Salvia and framed by a Rosemary hedge in the back . Spanish Lavender is a great choice for patios, porches, and small spaces that need to make a bold yet refined statement. May be wintered indoors in … Highly fragrant, keep it deadheaded for non-stop blooms. Learn more about Monrovia plants and best practices for best possible plant performance. This aromatic perennial thrives in full sun and well-drained soil, and is a necessity for provincial gardens. Spanish lavender grows low and wide, 2 feet high and 3 feet across. Thrives in hot, dry climates. Compact and hardy, it’s perfect in a hot, sunny perennial border or rock garden. This is an interesting species, with fragrant light-green leaves that form a bushy, evergreen mound. Also called French or Butterfly Lavender. This selection is a breakthrough, the first commercially grown Spanish Lavender from seed, and offers masses of dark purple flowers with purple flags on a cute compact mound of fragrant, silver-green foliage. Also called French Lavender, Spanish Lavender, Bract Lavender or Butterfly Lavender, this type of Lavender is a wonderful addition to the garden given the very distinctive look of its flowers and its highly aromatic silvery foliage. Spanish lavender is native from Spain to Turkey and into North Africa. The top of each flowering stem grows larger, upright bracts that resemble rabbit ears. French lavender has the scientific name Lavandula dentata where dentata translates to “toothed” referring to the scallops on the leaves as shown above and is sometimes confused with Spanish lavender or Lavandula stoechas. Lavender in a pot. Here is an excellent This French Lavender blooms almost continuously from mid-late spring to … As graceful as they are unusual, these long-lasting blooms are wonderful in cut-flower arrangements, both fresh and dried. See more To keep plants blooming, harvest the flower spikes regularly and occasionally trim plants back lightly to stimulate additional flowering. Why? Spanish Lavender is often referred to in older publications as French Lavender (which, today, is how we refer to L. dentata). Unusual chubby deep-purple spikes bear waving magenta petals from the top. Lavender is a perennial crop that can be maintained for 4–5 years if the plants are carefully pruned back to half of their size every year, fertilized, and watered and drained well. Simple and beautiful. Excellent in mixed containers, as well as … depending on the area it's perennial. This selection is a breakthrough, the first commercially grown Spanish Lavender from seed, and offers masses of soft pink flags on spikes with deep rose flowers on a cute compact mound of fragrant, silver-green foliage. Lavender is a well known and fragrant plant with gray-green foliage, upright flower spikes, and compact shrub form. The name for the plant is based on the Latin word “lavo,” meaning to wash or bathe and is probably a reference to the oil used in soap making.