Both these bugs are sap suckers, which can damage the leaves of snake plants causing leaf dehydration. This method is really no different than the water method, but it skips a step. Water. Propagating Snake Plants with Cuttings. Cold temperatures can lead to scarring on their leaves, which cannot be reversed. belongs to the family of Lilies (Liliaceae). While it can survive in low-light conditions, it will grow slower and have less color. I cut the bad leaves off and put some cinnamon on the cut to stop infection. Snake plant is extremely tolerant of neglect and a wide range of conditions, making it well-suited for beginning gardeners. They don’t tolerate frost well. Spider plants can be prone to mealy bugs, spider mites and fungus gnats. The mother-in-law’s tongue or snake plant (Sansevieria sp.) I live in Seattle and I put this guy in the corner of my bedroom where it gets somewhat minimal light. Because snake plants have succulent leaves, they don’t need a lot of water. Brown tips on a Snake plant can indicate inconsistent watering or too much watering. Plants often face difficulties in winter when air is dry and exposure to … You'll notice the brown spots immediately if they appear on the glossy green leaves of your privet plant (Ligustrum spp.). When problems arise and foliage develops brown spots, it can be difficult to determine the cause. Is there anything else I should do besides just leave it alone? It was doing great, but ow has these brown leaves and white spots. Snake Plant Care Indoors: Temperature and humidity. Completely Brown, Crunchy Leaves: This is a symptom that your plant has been left dry for too long, hopefully not long enough to have done significant root damage. My snake plants leaves are turning mushy, the soil is dry to the touch and I haven't watered it much at all. It started as a small spot a week ago and has slowly grown. They look like a mold or dust, but they don't wipe off. Snake plant might experience fungal problems, such as southern blight and red leaf spot. The leaves are commonly striped with shades of green and gray-green and the edges are often outlined with yellow or green around the edges. You can recognize these problems by the plant's … It features long, thick, upright green leaves. I've been very diligent about NOT doing that. If they ingest the plant, humans may suffer short-term symptoms including mouth pain, salivation, and some nausea. Let the cut leaf callus over for a day or two, then insert the cut end into lightly moist sand in a container. Could this still be from too much water? I've had my snake plant for about three weeks now and I've watered it thoroughly once so far. Whether your shrub is deciduous, semi-evergreen or evergreen, it's the attractive leaves that hold your eye. A good spot for it would be about 3-6′ away from a window that gets a lot of light. Don’t remove the tips, though, as this leads to scarring of the plant. Give your snake plant bright, indirect light if you want it to do well. If the problem is persistent you may be chronically under watering or missing the mark on the watering consistency practice in … Lush, green houseplants create an inviting atmosphere that promotes relaxation and brings a room to life. Wait a couple of weeks and the plant will root on its own. Snake plant is moderately toxic to people, dogs, and cats. I know it likes to be a bit neglected, but I have a tendency to overwater. Fungal growths first appear as white areas on the leaves, then changes to a deep brown color. However, they are best suited for an environment that stays above about 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Treatment It has 60 known species in the group of Sansevierias, which are native to tropical Africa and some parts of Asia, but they can be found on warmer parts of South Africa … Snake plants also do well in a variety of humidity conditions and temperatures. I don't know what I need to do to prevent the spread of this brown spots. Of these three, spider mites and mealy bugs can cause brown tips on the leaves of your snake plant. In rare instances, it can produce a dermatological reaction but is mainly toxic only if ingested. Ive had this snake plant around 6 months now. You May Also Like: How To Water Indoor Plants While On Vacation Instead, adjust the watering schedule and let the plant recover on its own. This plant is in an East facing window. A Snake Plant also exhibits wilting of the leaves with white thread-like growths and wet, softened areas of dying plant tissue.