Plant Parts and Functions Strand Life Processes Topic Investigating the parts of plants and their functions Primary SOL 1.4 The student will investigate and understand that plants have basic life needs and functional parts and can be classified according to certain characteristics. Stem 2.1. Other Parts of Plants. The Stem. The Leaf Without plants life on earth would not exist 3. Learn interesting facts about parts plants. The stem supports the plant above ground, and carries the water and minerals to the leaves. The other parts of a plant include flowers and fruits. All parts of plants are important and carry out different functions. Plant Parts And Their Functions. Sap is a nutrient-rich fluid that contains a lot of sugar. Roots 1.1. Find out more about the functions of plant parts and improve your knowledge with DK Find Out, to help you learn This site uses cookies and by continuing to browse it you are agreeing to our use of cookies. The Parts of a Plant and their Functions By: Elisabeth D.S. 2. Each part has a set of jobs to do to keep the plant healthy. The roots supports the plant and absorbs water and nutrients from the soil. Plant Parts - Roots Basic parts of most all plants are roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds. Which part of the plant transports water up to the rest of the plant? We are surrounded by plants, but have you ever stopped to notice the parts of a plant? Cecil Nur A. Irfan Fahrizza Risngo Nanny B. Clementinus Ken B. 3. The leaves uses chlorophyll and sunlight to change carbon dioxide and water to sugar. Types of a Seed: Dicots are seeds that have two parts, such as a bean seed. Roots have root hairs that increase the surface area for more water absorption. 2. Cecil Nur A. Irfan Fahrizza Risngo Nanny B. Clementinus Ken B. 2. Plant Parts And Functions by Oon Han 1. Importance of plants! The parts of a plant and their functions 1. They are the reproductive part of a plant. Leaves 3.1. Worksheets are Plant parts and functions, Roots and stems and leaves oh my, Plant structures sketching basic plant structures, Plant parts, Teaching aims parts of a plant and their needs, Plant parts and their functions, Biology curriculum middle school, Plant structure and function. Stem 2.1. This is a quiz about plants and their functions. In other words, it is any fleshy material covering a seed or seeds. Stems grow upwards, allowing leaves at the bottom of the plant to reach sunlight for food production. Roots 1.1. 23. Plants thrive when their parts work well together. The Parts of a Plant and their Functions By: Elisabeth D.S. Flowers. For more information on different parts of plants, diagrams and their functions keep visiting BYJU’S website or … The stem has vessels that transport sap and water throughout the plant. Displaying all worksheets related to - Plant Parts And Their Functions. There are six basic parts of plants that work together to help plants function properly. Without plants life on earth would not exist 3. The roots absorb water and minerals from the soil and anchor the plant in the ground. The leaves are the location for photosynthesis. The plant's stem transports the nutrients and minerals through the plant up to the leaves. 24. 2. Monocots are seeds that only have one cotyledon, such as the corn seed. Fruit The ripened seed-bearing part of a plant when fleshy and edible. The leaves collect energy from the Sun and make food for the plant, using an amazing process called photosynthesis. Importance of plants! Functions of Plant Parts The Root. Parts of Plants All of them come together to perform their respective functions for the healthy life of the plant. The stem supports the leaves and transfers water and nutrients to all parts of the plant. A flower has four major parts, namely, Petals: It is the colourful part of a flower which attracts insects and birds. Flowers are the most beautiful and colourful part of a plant. By learning the functions of each part of a plant, we can better understand a plant's needs and therefore become better at caring for our plants … After photosynthesis occurs, the stem is responsible for carrying the food through the rest of the plant. The parts of a plant and their functions 1. All the plant parts are beneficial and work in coordination with each other. Thus, we see how different parts of a plant help in the growth and development of a plant. Plant Parts And Functions by Oon Han 1. The roots supports the plant and absorbs water and nutrients from the soil. The root is the part of the plant that takes in water and minerals for the plant. We will dig deep into the parts of plants and their functions. From roots, stems and leaves to fruit, flowers and seeds, the function of plants comes down to how well these parts interact with each other.