Let’s now look at the causes of food spoilage.
We need you to answer this question! Bacteria are responsible for the spoilage of food. Food spoilage is caused by two main factors, namely; Natural decay in foods Contamination by micro-organisms They contain spores which can spread through the air and start new mould plants. Handling and processing sanitation. To understand how to maintain the quality of food and prevent spoilage, we need to know what can cause it. It is caused by spoiling microbes that reproduce on the food and break it down. The nutritional composition of the food also determines the kind of microbes that can grow. This is largely due to undesirable changes occurring in food, the influence of air, heat, light, moisture, nurture the growth of microorganisms. What are the factor responsible for the spoilage of the seed? So, this again is an intrinsic factor responsible for food spoilage. Factors Responsible For Food Spoilage. Various obvious factors are responsible for the spoilage of food. A food … Nutrients that are easy to access, assimilate and digest will invite a larger number of microbes. What Are the Causes of Food Spoilage? Food Spoilage. The major contributors of food spoilage are bacteria and fungi . these have the ability to grow easily whenever they find the conditions feasible as the presence of humidity and appropriate ph etc. For instance, microorganisms that break down fats grow in sweet butter (unsalted butter) and cause a type of spoilage called rancidity. When eaten, food that is spoiled by bacteria or other microbes presents a disease hazard to humans. Microbiological quality of the food in its raw or unprocessed state (intrinsic factors). Role … Factor # 1. Each microbe differs in its ability to digest a particular nutrient. Food spoilage is caused by bacteria, yeasts, fungi, the food's own enzymes, insects, temperature fluctuation and oxidation. Posted on May 22, 2012 June 5, 2019 by JL Admin. The micro-organisms responsible for food spoilage are moulds, yeast and bacteria. The main species isolated from each product group (baked goods, meat, milk and canned foods) detailed here and their main physiological characteristics (growth temperature and pH, heat resistance) are found in Table 1. Various physical, chemical, and biological factors play contributing roles in spoilage. These conditions must be avoided if the risk of food spoilage is to be reduced. While the bacteria itself may or may not be harmful, the waste products may be unpleasant to taste or may even be harmful to one's health. All food should be safe and free from contamination and spoilage at all points in its journey from its source until it reaches the consumers. BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy or “mad cow disease”) is caused by an unconventional agent. Factors that affect food spoilage include: Let’s now … The factors are: 1. Specific Food Groups . Due to food spoilage, one-third of the worlds' food produced for the consumption of humans is lost every year.