The film is a direct sequel to the 2018 animated film The Death of Superman, based on the comic book of the same name that continues from "The Death of Superman" storyline. DC and Warner Bros Animation have released the first trailer for an upcoming animated movie, Reign of the Superman, continues the more recent adaptation of Death of Superman. It is the 12th film in the DC Animated Movie Universe and the 33rd film in the DC Universe Animated Original Movies. It also has great action, voice acting and humour. (For those unfamiliar with the story, they were Steel, Cyborg Superman, Superboy and the Last Son of Krypton.) The Cyborg Superman Is Back! Animation to right a wrong created by the underwhelming semi-spectacle of Superman… Given the fact that after "Crisis on Infinite Earths" happened "Superman, Death and Return".. The Return of The Pre-New 52 History. However, Superman: Doomsday greatly altered and condensed the story to fit it within a 75-minute runtime, including the events associated with the return of Superman and that sequel-based comic. The voice cast for DC's upcoming adaptation of The Death of Superman has been revealed, bringing back a number of heavy-hitters and teasing the film's sequel. 'Death of Superman' Sequel Coming From DC? The animation might not have a sequel. Though Marvel has put out their share of animated films, they haven't matched DC Comics in terms of output. Beings with supernatural powers join together to fight against supernatural villains. When Atlantian troops assault Metropolis as revenge for the death of their king, the Queen seeks help from the Justice League to find her son who has gone missing during the madness. The Death of Superman, out today on Blu-ray and DVD, is rather explicitly an attempt by Warner Bros. This part of the Death and Return of Superman was greatly simplified in Doomsday, which instead featured a single alternate Superman rather than the … Overall it's a great conclusion that's extremely satisfying. For fans mainly familiar with the New 52 reality of DC Comics,... Rebirth's Eradicator Has Become The Original. Whilst some characters from the Death of Superman are sidelined and there a few leaps in logic, it's still a great DC animated movie with good animation and it's well paced. The original (Superman, Death and Return) had 3 volumes and the animation compress those into two movies which are the death of superman and reign of supermen :)