Forget-Me-Not The dainty blue flowers of forget-me-nots signal spring and are sure to put a smile on your face. Forget me not tattoo on the ankle Another delicate piece on the ankle Forget me not tattoo meaning. The varieties that are biennial will generally be easy to maintain over the years as they tend to self-sow, so propagation is not a problem once you establish them in your garden. Forget me not – a beautiful and harmless creature relied entirely on her faith and asked God to name her. Alpine Forget-Me-Not True forget-me-nots (Myosotis scorpioides) are popular in mixed borders and shade gardens where their sky blue flowers. Forget Me Nots flowers are generally biennials, but there are some varieties that can be perennial.. The flower is 1/2" wide. You will see that the Forget-Me-Not has all kinds of legends that are all around it and that have made it the flower that it is today. When the plant first emerges the stem is curled at the end; when the flowers begin to bloom the stem uncurls. The Forget-Me-Not is a flower that is beautiful and is very petite. Learn more about Chinese forget-me-not, perfect for the wild garden. Therefore, the tattoos also dedicate love and genuine feeling. Chinese forget-me-not, growing over 2 feet high, sprouts blue flowers, marking the height of summer. They grow wild where I live and they smell and look so lovely! Stems that bend and a profusion of leaves are normal. The Garden Geeks Plant of the Day: Alpine Forget Me Not (Myosotis alpestris) Perennial Zone I've always loved these. I am not a fan of forget-me-nots. Our most common forget-me-not is often found as a "weed" of arable land. The ancient Greek legend Egle and Likas are well known, Egle collected these flowers and gave to her beloved and likas named the flowers as forget me not. The flowers are grown all over the world in white, pink, blue and yellow. Many old history and stories are associated with forget me not flower. The flowers grow near the end of the stem, each having its own short stalk off of the main stem. In particular, I do not like the so-called annual variety, Myosotis sylvatica (actually a biennial), which is in bloom right now in Southcentral Alaska. The Forget-me-not flower has five, bright blue, regular petals that surround a yellow center. From the legend of the creation of this flower, we can see its symbolic meaning. An erect greyish coloured plant, its very small, bright blue flowers (sometimes interspersed with pink) occur in spikes. There is a legend that speaks of a knight and his lady. It is also known as Field Forget-me-not. Forget-me-nots most commonly bloom in a beautiful, clear, sky-blue shade. All About the Forget-Me-Not.