Unlike rhizomes, bulbs aren't cut apart when divided. Depending on the type of amaryllis you have, your bulbs could be ready by May or October to bloom. A: Dutch amaryllis, Hippeastrum, is o… In general, it takes five to eight weeks for amaryllis to bloom, but this timing depends on many factors, including the type of amaryllis, air temperature, and how long the bulb … — D.S., Houston A: The i… Fungicides (like thiophanate methyl) can be applied, but they are expensive and hard to find. Pot up amaryllis bulbs right away if they have green stems emerging from the tops, and water them. Dig a hole two-thirds the depth of the bulb, and only slightly wider than the bulb. Should we dig up bulbs and bring inside… Q. — D.S., Houston A: The i… Answer: If needed, amaryllis may be divided in October through mid-November or late February through mid-March. ... Leslie. This indicates the bulbs have broken dormancy and they can no longer be stored. Wax-covered amaryllis bulbs are pure genius. Amaryllis flowers usually appear in winter or spring, and last several weeks before fading. Carefully lift the bulbs from the soil. Always dig the bulbs, don't try to pull them up by the foliage. Dig up amaryllis bulbs growing in the garden in cooler USDA zone 7 and below -- or in USDA zone 6 and below for naked lady bulbs -- to store for the winter. Lift the clumps of bulbs carefully so as not to damage the bulbs in the process. See, before waxing, the bulbs already had enough moisture and food stored inside them to produce one or two flower stalks that will elongate and bloom. I’d like to dig up the bulbs and replant them a farther apart. When following blooming, is best time to transplant amaryllis? Amaryllis is a winter-flowering bulb that is often referred to as a Christmas flower, along with poinsettias. Dig up the bulbs, remove infected scales and excess soil, and soak them for 30 minutes in water kept at … Amaryllis Bulb Storage. The secondary bulbs are then ready to be transplanted in their own pots. Are the holidays complete without amaryllis? Amaryllis make fantastic holiday centerpieces and wonderful long-term houseplants. My favorite species is solid red or the uncommon red with one stripe per petal to make an "x" or cross. Am I looking for a 'bulb' when I dig? When the foliage starts to die back naturally, cut it back to 1-2 inches (2.5-5 cm.) Polandeze / Flickr.comAmaryllis Q: My amaryllis are almost finished blooming. Bulbs are typically planted 3 to 4 inches below the soil, so a trowel may suffice. All the potted bulbs go on a sunny shelf in my basement. For all those who have had the beautiful amaryllis plant indoors all through the winter season, but now want to transplant it in the garden, here is a post sharing the right method to do it. It depends. Definitely not. "How to Transplant Amaryllis." About first week of March they make their way up a tall inflorescence to open a spectacular large tubular flower. Dig your bulb up and store it in a cool, dry, dark place (like a basement) for anywhere between 4 and 12 weeks. Polandeze / Flickr.comAmaryllis Q: My amaryllis are almost finished blooming. What type soil do the require? Amaryllis bulbs in winter go dormant, so it won’t need any water or attention. To do that, dig up the bulbs before the first frost in the fall. A hot water treatment is sometimes suggested on lightly infected bulbs. Q. Amaryllis Bulb Care Outside - We live in mid TN and have planted bulbs in the garden. Plant them in This indicates the bulbs have broken dormancy and they can no longer be stored. above the bulb. It is best to lift after frost has blackened foliage, gently spade up the bulbs, being careful not to cut into the bulbs/tubers and damage them. Answer: If needed, amaryllis may be divided in October through mid-November or late February through mid-March. Dig three holes for three bulbs, ... Rose, Leslie. "How to Transplant Amaryllis." Use a trowel or garden fork to dig up you amaryllis. They still have some leaves but many have withered and fallen off. Should I bring them inside now or wait for the yellow leaves like other bulbs? Amaryllis Best for Central Florida First day of Spring in Florida for me is when the Amaryllis bulbs come out. Q: When is the proper time to dig and divide the Dutch amaryllis bulbs growing in my garden? Sometimes I pot them up right away, other times the bulbs may sit around for several weeks after I dig them up. I found 'volunteer' last year growing along edge of walk into woods from yard... How to transplant? Lift the clumps of bulbs carefully so as not to damage the bulbs in the process.