Trimming the tree helps to control the shape and size, and it … It is important to remember not to trim more than 25 percent of the growth or the tree may not be able to recover. How to Prune a Ficus Tree. Nearly all of the damaged plants (including ficus and hibiscus) I have seen came back after the frosts. Ficus Varieties While there are hundreds of species in the ficus genus, just a few of them represent most of the ficus grown as houseplants. Routine pruning is a great way to keep your tree strong and robust. Though usually kept as an indoor plant, ficus trees can be grown successfully outdoors. The best time to prune your ficus is during winter. I trimmed the ficus in my front yard back to the main branches, which I left about 5-6 feet long from where they separate from the trunk. These will drain the energy from the ficus tree. When to Trim a Fiddle Leaf Fig. Cut off branches growing from the main tree trunk. Prune these at the branch collar where the base of the branch joins the stem. Pruning – Outdoor varieties produce sticky sap that may attract insect colonies. Pruning regularly won't hurt your ficus tree. Trim your plant back regularly, keep an eye on the soil, and check leaves regularly for insects to ensure a long and healthy life for your ficus! Pruning should be done at the beginning of the season to keep the shape of the Ficus. How to Repot a Ficus Tree. Following these simple steps will … Look for new leafy shoots on the tree as a signal that it is time to prune. In this article, you'll learn about the various types of ficus trees, their common pests and diseases, and how to care for your ficus. Ficus must be grown in suitable pots and soil, protected from extremes of climate, given adequate nutrition and water, and be checked for pests regularly. How to Care for Outdoor Ficus Trees | Hunker Ficus trees are very susceptible to frost damage. Click here for more info. You could also prune it to maintain a certain shape. Also, pruning is necessary to prevent the tree from touching the ceiling. 8)Pruning. Essentially, there are two different techniques: maintenance-pruning, to maintain and refine the existing shape of a Bonsai - and structural-pruning, which involves more rigorous pruning to give a tree its basic shape or style. Ficus trees are gorgeous and very popular. To keep your ficus plant healthy, transplanting it to a new pot or planter every few years. If you have a ficus tree indoors in a container and you live in a region where temperatures dip below freezing, you can move your ficus tree outdoors during frost-free months.The weeping fig is the most popular indoor ornamental ficus tree, and it adapts well to summers on the patio. If you have a ficus tree indoors in a container and you live in a region where temperatures dip below freezing, you can move your ficus tree outdoors during frost-free months.The weeping fig is the most popular indoor ornamental ficus tree, and it adapts well to summers on the patio. Cut the branches at a right angle outside of the branch collar. Ficus trees are a family tropical plants, vines, and shrubs that make adaptable potted plants both indoors and outdoors. Fiddle leaf fig pruning is one good way to keep the plant in top form by giving it good form. Ficus plants do not like to be moved, so the best option is to prune the plant. They grow freely in the wild turning into real banyans, huge trees with multiple trunks and a huge root system. The ficus tree is sometimes referred to as a weeping fig, but its given scientific name is Ficus benjamina. So, let’s get a sharp pair of pruning shears in hand and learn how to prune fiddle leaf fig. The growth on the trunk is a good sign, the tree will be fine if you keep it watered. How to Trim a Ficus Tree Ficus trees, among about 850 plants in the Ficus genus, may be more familiar by their common names including weeping fig (Ficus benjamina), hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 12 and rubber tree (Ficus elastica), hardy in …