Wells G & H were two municipal groundwater wells developed in 1964 and 1967 to supplement the water supply of the city of Woburn. Woburn Police Officer John B. Maguire was killed in the line of duty while responding to an armed robbery on December 26, 2010. The Woburn Water Case: John Travolta’s 1999 movie, A Civil Action was based on the true story of 8 Woburn, Massachusetts families who were seriously hurt by water contaminated by the W.R. Grace Co.In 1982, eight families from Woburn, Massachusetts filed a lawsuit against W.R. Grace Co, Unifirst Corporation and Beatrice Foods. In the smallish town of Woburn, Massachusetts, three men have gone on trial for murder in the past few weeks. Industrial solvent is the reason causing the water pollution of the river in Woburn Massachusetts. The case is Anderson v. Cryovac. Did Water Kill Children in Woburn?In Bellwether Case, Massachusetts Families Link Contamination With Leukemia . and worked in Woburn and who drank city supplied water. Background In May 1979, state investigators discovered that two municipal wells in Woburn This story begins in 1972, as a lone woman's search for answers in Woburn, Massachusetts, a working class city with a population just under 40,000. A Civil Action, the fictionalized movie about the lawsuit she and seven other Woburn families brought against the three companies they believed had polluted their water, opens in New York and Los Angeles on Christmas Day; the national rollout is on January 8. Since 1969 to 1979, there were 12 incidence of childhood leukemia happening in this area. The Challenge. The victims' families became convinced that the town's polluted drinking water … Most of the information in this section was abstracted from the report by Professor Joel Tarr at the University of Pittsburgh ().Woburn's industrial history began in the late 1600s when the first leather tanning company was formed. Specifically, trichloroethylene (TCE) contamination and its impacts on human health will be explored. Visit our site to learn more! On this day in 1984, lawyer Jan Schlichtmann filed the first motion in the case made famous by the book and film A Civil Action. Woburn's Industrial History Overview. The book became a best-seller and won the National Book Critics Circle Award for nonfiction. Woburn Massachusetts Water Contamination. A Civil Action is a non-fiction book by Jonathan Harr about a water contamination case in Woburn, Massachusetts, in the 1980s. Contamination (defined as the changes in average stream water caused by humans) of the Aberjona River in Massachusetts began as early as 1648, when Woburn's first tannery opened. Other than the leukemia, The residents show high risks of getting liver, kidney, prostate and urinary cancer. Disney’s hype machine has been turned up to 10. The Woburn toxics case • In May 1982 a lawsuit was filed on behalf of eight Woburn families by Jan Schlichtmann. This page was created as a data resource to anyone working with, or just curious about, the Woburn Massachusetts ground water contamination site featured in the best-selling book "A Civil Action" by Jonathan Harr and the Hollywood movie by the same name. Municipal drinking water wells had become contaminated with chlorinated compounds. This paper explores the contamination of drinking water wells in Woburn. By Michael Weisskopf. Located twelve miles north of Boston, Woburn is a legacy of being a center of industrial and chemical production since its founding in 1642. The City of Woburn, Massachusetts, is located about 10 miles northwest of Boston, nearly at the head of the Mystic River Valley and roughly halfway between Lowell and Boston. Woburn, about 10 miles northeast of Boston and with a population of 37,000, sees its share of crimes, but these three brutal and rather bizarre murders in the same area – sent to trial within weeks of each other – bring to mind the urban-myth question: is it something in the water?