Click “Login” to access the Main Menu window. When you create a One Day Code, it is active for the rest of that day only. 1234 Main Street SW, you would enter 1234) and click ‘Ok’. How to Create 1 Day Codes. To generate a One Day Code, follow these steps: 1. These codes can be generated for any day up to 2 weeks. 2. The card reader will detect your ID and fill in ... Alternatively, you can access the Sentrilock Lockbox Web site directly if you do not have access to a card reader. On the lockbox’s keypad, press and hold the ENT This will “wake up” the lockbox. This feature cannot be used if your Association settings do not permit the use of One Day Codes. One Day Code Indemnification: Broker Instructions Brokers using the SentriLock system can authorize a showing service to generate one day codes for lockboxes under the broker's company. Insert your SentriCard® into the card reader attached to your PC or your Broker’s office PC. The Edit User screen will be displayed. Assigning the SentriLock Box to a Property: Open your SentriLock App and sign in to your account. When the lockbox lights up the keypad, enter your 1 day code. Every listing must have a SentriLock Bluetooth Lockbox. Take the key that will help you to open the sentry safe. A time-limited one day code is a six digit code that you can generate from the SentriLock website that will allow a non-SentriCard® holder access to … Complete the following steps to create one day codes: Insert your SentriCard® into the card reader attached to your PC or your Broker’s office PC. The dial on the front of the lock is marked with a series of numbers; a hash mark at the top of the lock face marks the positioning point for dialing up the numbers of the combination. 2. You will no longer be able to assign a one-day code until your lockbox has been assigned to a listing. You must assign your lockbox to your listing using the SentriSmart mobile app or desktop website. This code is used to open a lockbox and is ideal for use by other agents, homeowners, and contractors who need access to a listing but are not SentriLock … Time-limited one day codes are a feature that we didn’t have with our previous lockbox system. For example, if you have a young child who takes naps between 1pm-3pm the lock box can be coded to stay closed and not allow entry at that time. Or, you can make the code active for a full day up to two weeks in advance. The Sentry website provides a form to request a lost combination. To use this feature your association must have authorized its use and agreed to the CODE You must assign your lockbox to your listing using the SentriSmart mobile app or desktop website. During the ‘Assign to Property’ process, click on the ‘Property Not Found?’ button. In the app, tap the hamburger menu . Tap My Lockboxes. When you create a One Day Code, it is active for the rest of that day only. The lockbox will open the key compartment. SentriLock FAQ . Luckily, there are other ways to open a combination lock when you … The One Day Code expires 60 minutes after it is used. The Edit User screen will be displayed. They allow access to a lockbox’s key compartment without the use of a SentriCard. Click on Preferences. SentriLock FAQ . One Day Codes cannot be revoked. 1 day codes can be generated by the lockbox owner in the REALTOR® Lockbox Website or the SentriSmart application. How to Use 1 Day Codes. Before we start into how to manage your security info, let's make sure we’ve successfully sent your verification code. The key container should open. The easiest and most cost-effective way to open a Sentry safe without the combination is to contact the company with the model, serial number and a notarized ownership form.