I think, the results are pretty good. Professional growers have discovered that compost activators can help speed up composting quickly…sometimes to as little as 30 days! Learning how to compost will teach you how to speed up the natural decomposition of biological materials. Not only is keeping a compost bin fun and environmentally responsible, but composting is the best way to recycle your kitchen waste and to make your own plant food. There’s no reason to think that making the best compost is out of reach. Learning how to compost will teach you how to speed up the natural decomposition of biological materials. To speed up the process, add lots of green material to the compost pile to “heat things up.” The hotter a compost pile gets, the more quickly the items within will break down. If you build a basic compost pile, you’ll have harvestable compost from the bottom and center of the pile in three to six months. Leaves require cold to decompose and turn in to leaf mould while compost requires heat. Done. Now, just apply it and make your own compost. A new compost pile can benefit from an accelerator or tonic that helps to speed decomposition. As advised, store them in an old refuse bag with holes or in a wire cage and let nature take its course. To speed up the composting process, you have to invest a little more time and energy. First of all I just want the leaves to be gone so that I get everything cleaned up. I'd like to be able to take the compost and put it into some new raised beds I'm hoping to put together later this year. If your compost pile is composed of nothing but wood chips, it will break down very slowly. So if you are looking for how to speed up composting, this article is for you. Green waste is broken down by bacteria (aerobic and anaerobic), the action causes the compost to heat up and then cool. Allowing your compost pile to touch the ground connects it to beneficial microbes, worms and other insects that will speed the decomposition process. I have done this exactly as I describe. We know what makes gardens grow. To promote decomposition, mix leaves with grass clippings or other materials high in nitrogen. We usually want to organize and hasten Mother Nature’s process. This method is from years of experience at a Municipal Solid Waste Recycling Plant converted to my home use. If the pile is held and it feels no heat, then the compost from cow dung is ready for use. So, for this article I think quite up here. It also happens to make a wonderful soil amendment for your garden! I started collecting up the piles of leaves and chips trying to take my front yard back. Low outside temperatures slow the activity down, while warmer temperatures speed up decomposition. Dead leaves and twigs are broken down by fungi using a different process. To maintain a good compost bin, you will need to add the essential elements, invest a small amount of … The microbes that make up the bulk of the decomposition process fall into two categories: mesophilic, those that live and function in temperatures of 50 to 113°F, and thermophilic, those that thrive at temperatures between 113 to 158°F. Now one of the headaches people feel when making compost is … This speedier method requires more upfront labor chopping or … If possible, shred the leaves prior to composting. I am going to make this easy with out the numbing scientific jargon. We have discussed compost earlier also. At Planet Natural we supply everything you need: bins, tumblers and activators to get your pile cooking, plus worm farms for kitchen scraps.