So after cleaning the pump strainer basket, repriming, and starting the pump again, I set my three-way valve to skimmer-only. It is perhaps collapsed? You can be saved, just follow the next few steps on how to unclog your sewer drain. Once you’ve skimmed the top of the pool and removed all the gunk you find, you can take the pool drain plugs out. Rent a large drain cleaner from a local home improvement store. The distance from the booster pump riser to the outlet in the pool is approximately 25'. An inground swimming pool's main drain is located in the deep end of the pool. There is hope! If you believe that the clog could be close to the strainer basket , gently clean the nearby section of drain using a hand held drum auger . (Most pool supply stores and Home Depot should carry it. ) Drano® Alternative: I have tried to become more eco-friendly over the last few years. Next, choose the right drain cleaner. The sewer main drain is a crucial part of a home’s plumbing system. That includes attempting alternative solutions to my clogged drain problems. Is there flexible or solid pvc going to the main drain? If you have the setup where the main drain goes up the skimmer, it ought to be easy. Try the following steps if your swimming pool drain is clogged. I thought the pump was bad and rebuilt it, to no avail. The main pool drain serves as the primary site of all drainage for a swimming pool of any size. At this point I know I must have either a clogged skimmer or main drain line to the pump. Best way to unclog any pool drain, skimmer, wall, main drain is..... with a plunger. If so, you can use something called a "drain king" to unclog the line. Old pools often have lines deleted so are you sure this line used to work? Pool skimmers are the deep cutouts positioned along a swimming pool's walls that pull floating debris into their storage baskets. Consider using a sewer jetter to clean a main drain, since it can help scrub off sticky residue on pipe walls and flush away sediment so fewer clogs come back. Owning your own swimming pool can help you relax after a long day at work, but what if your pool is the cause of more stress? You must be acquainted with the basics. We were able to blow out the returns and skimmer by attaching our shop vac to the lines without any problem. Had to turn the skimmer off to run pool threw the main drain..Does anyone know how to UN block it without having to hire someone to do it? We've already seen that the water in a swimming pool needs to circulate through a filtering system, to remove dirt and debris. Try blowing the stuff out backwards using a drain king. During winter months or periods of non-use, most pool drains do not need to be plugged, but in some cases plugging a main drain is required or recommended.