... food and nutrition: the importance of plant identification and nomenclature. Agricultural development is critically important to improving food security and nutrition. In the report, FAO Secretary General, José Graziano da Silva, highlights the importance of BFA in achieving zero hunger, food and nutrition security for all and urges efforts to conserve BFA for realisation of the aspirations of a food secure world and sustainable food systems. Knowledge needs 11 Why iS food Such an iSSuE? In the past, the focus has been on increas-ing food production to meet a growing demand but recently more emphasis has Among the existing agricultural enterprises, horticulture offers the best alternative for increased food self-sufficiency, improved nutrition and ensuring the generation of increased incomes and employment. 4 ExEcutivE Summary 4 introduction 8 What is food and nutrition security?8 the sustainable development Goals 9 Where can the eu add most value?10 Part 1. Ensuring food and nutrition security 93. of refined sugars and carbohydrates has also been found to be associated with health issues such as diabetes, overweight and obesity. Ensuring food and nutrition security 87 The second major challenge will be to improve the access to food and markets, as hunger often occurs in countries where there is enough food produced. Among other factors, access to food remained a dominating force in the frame of food security, where economic accessibility played an important role (Nath and Dutta, 2004). These gardens have an established tradition and offer great potential for improving household food security and alleviating micronutrient deficiencies. CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR FOOD AND NUTRITION SECURITY IN THE AMERICAS: THE VIEW OF THE ACADEMIES OF SCIENCES Summary As a result of its position and physiography, Colombia has an enormous diversity of climate zones, together with abundant agricultural and fresh water resources, an exceptional biodiversity and a wealth of natural resources. These major horticultural groups are characterized by remarkable levels of genetic diversity in both wild and cultivated species, yet much of their diversity is underutilized and poorly conserved. Active ingredients in food which are effective in promoting human health include amino acids, fats dietary fiber, antioxidants, pigments, vitamins and minerals which are present in different food groups such as pulses, cereals, legumes, oilseeds, fruits and vegetables. Horticultural products are the major source of micro-nutrients and hence, play an important role of horticulture in human nutrition and nutrition security. The seminar leaders will also discuss how to better link horticultural projects focused on research with those focused on implementation. Consequently, the Government is committed to taking action to address food and nutrition security issues through a range of measures across all the key sectors such as agriculture, fisheries, trade, health, education plus transport infrastructure and water, sanitation and hygiene services (WaSH). Review on Contribution of Fruits and Vegetables on Food Security in Ethiopia ... 2008), and a key factor to improve food and nutrition security. vi JOINT PROGRAMMES FOR FOOD SECURITY AND NUTRITION SUMMARY The Millennium Development Goals Achievement Fund (MDG-F) supports 24 joint programmes in the Children, Food Security and Nutrition thematic area, in four regions. Deadline: 24 January 2020 The Livelihoods and Food Security (LIFT) Fund has launched the Technical Capacity Building for Nutrition Programming to provide technical support to LIFT Implementing Partners (IPs) to improve the quality of effective nutrition programming under the LIFTstrategy 2019-2023. According to WHO, overweight and obesity are the fifth leading risk fac- tors for global deaths, posing a greater risk than underweight. This seminar will emphasize the tremendous importance of horticulture to the U.S. Federal Government’s Feed the Future Initiative with an in-depth focus on gender, nutrition, and income generation. This is because of the clear interest from various stakeholder groups of the ‘Dutch diamond’ in this sector. Horticulture, biodiversity and nutrition.