Note: Plants/seeds for sale are not necessarily safe for cats. Some options include roses, zinnias, gerber daisies, sunflowers, roses and snapdragons. If your cat likes to chew plants, you can satisfy this urge by growing a small dish of oat grass indoors for … “Alstroemeria is commonly substituted for these toxic flowers in ‘pet safe’ bouquets.” Keep in mind that even the water used to keep your plants and flowers fresh can cause problems. It's easy to grow and strangely enough is mostly quite safe from cats until you pick a few leaves and bruise them to release the smell cats love. These 15 species are technically safe for cats and dogs, but it's still best to eliminate temptation and place all houseplants out of reach. Available from numerous outlets at incredibly affordable prices. If you are unsure whether the person you plan to send flowers to has a pet, colorful Gerbera Daisies are a safe bet and is non-toxic to both cats and dogs. Keep your kitty safe by choosing plants that aren't poisonous to her. Cats don't just stick to the food you provide when they feel like a snack. Gifting Flowers or Plants . What flowers are safe for cats? Nevertheless, some indoor cats think that any fresh plant that’s worth looking at must be worth biting. Avoid bouquets that contain Baby’s Breath, as it is toxic to cats and dogs. Safe Plants for Cats: What to Have in Your Garden. Bouquets of L … Here at The Bouqs Company, we love all flowers, but keeping our furry friends safe is a major priority. Felines love to explore and roam, so it’s important to make sure that any plants they can access are non-toxic, even if they choose to give them a nibble. Many flowers are poisonous to cats. Because there’s a long list of cat-safe plants out there, we decided to pick out the most common varieties you might find sold at a local nursery, grocery store, or a flower shop. It might seem no bouquet is safe from your cats, but certain flowers are safe for your cats. The most dangerous form of begonias for cats are tubers, which are brown bulbs that emerge into begonias with pink or white flowers. Toxicity can range from mild gastrointestinal disturbances to life-threatening organ failure. Check out this easy, go-to guide for introducing safe indoor plants that won't pose a risk to your four-legged friends! Whether you’re a gardner or enjoy having fresh flowers in your house, make sure that any vegetation that … Do you have a cat-loving friend, mother, or sweetheart who would delight in some cat-safe flowers? We’ve also thrown in a few exotic options for fun. And because they love to climb and explore, it is difficult to keep plants out of their reach. Popular as they provide wonderful flowers in multiple different colour options all year round. But few people know that many of the most popular varieties of flowers are poisonous to cats. These flowers, which can pass as an identical twin of daisies and dahlias, are amazingly prolific bloomers, especially during summertime. That’s why it’s so important to know which flowers are safe for cats and dogs, whether the Bouq is for yourself or a gift for a friend. These are probably the most popular flowering house plant available. If you know the answer to this question, please register to join our limited beta program and start the conversation right now!