The blue may be just the color of the plaster but this should not bleed into pool. Swimming pool water has not been replaced in 5 years or more. The pH of water (Usually, on a private water system) Dissolved air in swim pool water due to tiny suction leak. This can also give your water a metallic taste or leave blue-green stains on porcelain bath fixtures. Another reason chemistry can lose its balance is rain. High calcium in swimming pool fill water. If you click any of the hyperlinked technical terms (underlined and in dark blue) in this frame, you will find them explained in more detail in the frame below. If the water is not blue but just cloudy, likely just chemical imbalance - bring sample to pool store for free testing. When two Olympic pools at Rio turned green … More often than not, the problem is with the salt cell and not the entire chlorinator system itself. I've been vacuuming like crazy but even though its blue, its cloudy at the bottom. Infact, it's so blue that the shallow end looks foggy, and you can only see about to the half way mark before its unreconizable. We may add chlorine to the water at this moment. The deeper you submerge the bucket, the deeper the color will be. We have had our swimming pool for a couple of years, and it works great, but, this year it seems to be oddly blue. When water stands in copper pipes, the copper sometimes dissolves, which causes a blue tint when it reacts with the water. Swimming Pool Water Problem Solving Guide For those with privately owned swimming pools using chlorine sanitisers. The blue affect on the plaster could mean a greatly out of balance chemistry - pH and Total Akalinity. Dissolved air in the pool fill water. lime does not dissolve in water in that salinity range. Copper absorbing into your water can happen when the pipe is less than one-year-old and can go away with time. Pool Chemicals An excessive amount of pool chemicals can cause your water to be cloudy. Bohren (11) has written delightfully on the answer to that question in his book, Clouds in a Glass of Beer, which is highly recommended. When water from a big downpour lands in a pool, the levels of pH, free chlorine, and total alkalinity almost always takes a big hit. Still one may well ask, Why when one looks at a body of water, not through it, does one often see a blue color? Hazy – more than just appearing dull or flat, the water actually isn’t clear anymore; you can see the bottom of the pool, but not distinctly. Changed the sand in my filter a couple of days ago as the previous owner did not leave records of maintenance. While there are a number of potential causes that you might have cloudy pool water, there are several key causes that create the significant majority of cloudy water issues. So I been vacuuming making sure the filter is clean I have good levels. I just dont know what else to do can someone help me figure out what i need or if im doin something wrong (From limestone springs, etc.)