Asparagus: 4.3 grams of protein per 1 cup. Jack fruit apart from protein boosts your potassium level as well. Broccoli: 3.7 grams of protein per 1 … An average peach contains .07 ounces (two grams) of protein. It is true that most types are not a rich source but if you compare them to foods like meats, legumes, and grains, on a protein per calorie basis, some varieties of fruits actually rank quite high in terms of how much they contain. Does the protein from veggies count? Peaches are high protein fruits. There are certainly veggies with a modest percentage of protein. Generally, legumes have higher content of protein than vegetables and fruits. Spinach: 5.3 grams of protein per 1 cup. Most people think it doesn’t or that it has very little. However, relying on veggies to meet your protein goals is probably neither practical nor optimal. Watercress is a cruciferous plant that grows in water and has a high protein content. Talking about protein, we usually think of meat; however, fruits and vegetables are also high in protein. Other vegetables with protein include broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, garlic, lettuce, mushrooms, onions, parsley, peppers, potatoes, pumpkins, radishes, spinach, squash, sweet potatoes and tomatoes. With 1.7 grams of protein, jack fruit is 11th on this list of high protein fruit. For example, a … Celery, carrots, and kale also contain relatively high amounts of protein. The fruit is also a good source of fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin A. Pineapple is another good source of protein. The Top 11 High-Protein Vegetables. According to Rosanne Rust, many vegetables provide you with two grams of protein per cup raw, or per half cup cooked. Absolutely! Fruits and vegetables mostly do not contain the same amounts of protein as meat does. Other fruits that contain protein include … Milk and milk products such as cheese and yogurt are also good sources of protein. Jack fruit is one of the most powerful protein-rich fruits in that list which makes more healthy. Which fruit has the most protein? We've put together a list of the eight vegetables that provide the most protein bang for your buck. Most people think it doesn’t or that it has very little. They are full of fiber and other vitamins, minerals that can reduce risk of cancers, diabetes, and heart disease. 10 High-Protein Vegetables You Should Be Eating. Advertisement. According to the USDA, the top cooked veggies high in protein include: Green peas: 8.6 grams of protein per 1 cup. Does fruit have protein? In addition to fruits, you can get protein from other important sources such as legumes and vegetables like sweet peas, broccoli, mushrooms, green beans, spirulina, and more. Protein is found in every part of the body including hair, skin, bone, and muscle. In India, it is as easy to find and a powerhouse of Vitamin C and fibre as well. Although you potentially can lose up to 8 to 10 pounds by eating only fruits, vegetables and lean proteins for one month, you should view your planned diet changes as more of a lifestyle change than a one-time effort. One cup (34 grams) of chopped watercress contains 0.8 grams of protein and 100% of your RDI of vitamin K. A diet high in proteins and fruits can help you lose weight fast. Fruits that contain protein are apples, apricots, blueberries, cherries and grapefruit. Protein has a thermic effect, which means that it takes a lot of energy to digest it. However, protein in plants (except soybean) is incomplete, meaning all the essenatial and non-essential amino acids are not present in a single plant. Brussels sprouts: 4 grams of protein per 1 cup. Here’s a list of some of the most commonly eaten high-protein vegetables along with their nutritional content: Spinach: 5 g per 1-cup serving (cooked) Artichoke hearts: 5 g per 1-cup serving … Meals rich in protein boost metabolic rate, increase fat burning and support lean muscle tissue, according to The Abs Diet by David Zinczenko. To do this, up your intake of healthy, low-protein foods like fruits and vegetables. Protein rich garden vegetables are nearly always nitrogen-hungry. Protein: 1.42 grams/ 1/2 cup serving. Does fruit have protein? While we know meats and breads contain protein, we often forget vegetables can be a good, low-calorie source of this essential element, too. In the following table is protein content of foods. In addition to legumes, vegetables which are high in protein and relatively easy to grow include spinach, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower and potatoes (with skins). At the same time, you may need to scale back on your protein serving sizes. The advantage of plant protein sources over animal protein is that plant protein sources are low in fat content and high in dietary fiber. Although they may not be at the top of our high-protein vegetables list, beets are a great fall and winter veg to add to your diet, as they carry large amounts of magnesium, iron and lots of …