Firm the dug out soil around the tree fern. I purchased a dicksonia tree fern last year and planted it amongst my fern garden - this is a shaded area and only gets the last of the late afternoon sun for a very short period of time. Add well-rotted compost around the base of the tree fern. If your fern has lost all of its fronds, it might not necessarily have died. Choose a tree in your yard to which to secure the resurrection fern if you would rather grow it outdoors. 12 Jun 2013. However, they do not do well where the humidity is low, and I suspect that hanging on … How To Revive A Tree Fern. Boston ferns (Nephrolepsis exaltata 'Bostoniensis') are excellent ferns for hanging baskets and for indoor use as their leaves, or fronds, tend to be very long and elegant. How to transplant a large tree fern; How to transplant a large tree fern. Answer: Hi Bruce. General Watering of tree ferns. tall, these ferns are excellent additions to arranged outdoor container plantings, as well as great for use indoors as a … Learn easy ways to … In advanced stages, the white patches start turning gray or black in color. How to Prune Ferns. Repot your plant. Don’t expect to see any improvement before April (and warmer temperatures). While any tree will do, these plants seem to have an affinity for pecan and live oak. Carefully press one or more of the reviving fern's long, thin rhizomes into crevices in the bark of the tree's branch or trunk. 19 Tips to Take Care of the Extremely Gorgeous Maidenhair Ferns. One of the first symptom of this infection is the appearance of a white powdery layer on foliage and fruits of a tree. Plant something that can give the fern more shade next year, give the fern extra care next hot season or transplant the fern to a cooler position. One-third of the tree trunk should be sitting in the ground. Place the tree fern into the hole. Melinda Meyers, star and producer of Melinda’s Garden Moment TV and radio segments, says that reviving a plant takes patience (sometimes even years). How to revive a dead plant, step 2: Think about the water. What is a Lemon Button Fern? Choose a tree in your yard to which to secure the resurrection fern if you would rather grow it outdoors. During hot spells water every second day. Carefully press one or more of the reviving fern's long, thin rhizomes into crevices in the bark of the tree's branch or trunk. If you want to create a shape, you can trim around the edges of the plant. With one species of tree fern (Dicksonia) the top can be cut off and planted and it will usually grow, but in almost all cases the lower parts of the plant will die.However, tree ferns are easy to dig up and move to a better position.