Pay attention to the compatibility of your plants. 1. 1) Gardening is good for your mind and body Gardening is a great form of exercise. If you are starting a vegetable garden, or even if you have an established vegetable garden, you may wonder what is the best soil for growing vegetables. As a soul your light extends way beyond the body into the earth the sky and all around. Gardening, by its nature, means sticking your hands in the dirt. Why Gardening Is Good For The Soul. Since you have d… This will help you grow the most plentiful, beautiful and healthiest plants that you can. So then today's question seems to flow quite naturally out of the passion that I saw in my father, that I see in myself, and the constant drive to homestead by the Wilder family, namely: Why does gardening, homesteading, tilling the ground, planting, sowing, and reaping feel so VERY good for the soul? At least, that's what gardening does for me; it just feels good in the soul. Follow these tips to become a better gardener. So, do yourself a favor and do your research and apply the above tips to your own organic gardening strategy so that you can have healthier, happier plants to use at home. When children see that the herbs they grow can be used in your cooking, they will be very proud of their accomplishment. Label: gardening is good for the soul shop. 13 Reasons Why Gardening Is Good For Your Health. Gardening can reduce your risk of stroke (along with other activities as jogging and swimming) as reported in “Stroke: Journal of The American Heart Association”. Gardening burns calories. Besides obvious weight lose benefits gardening has been proven to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and decrease depression. Become aware that there is a lovely … The mental health benefits of gardening tend to be underestimated, but are definitely present.. Our gardens confer a special kind of serenity upon us which is often hard to come by in our frenetic, pressured world. So, do yourself a favor and do your research and apply the above tips to your own organic gardening strategy so that you can have healthier, happier plants to use at home.