I'd say if you are happy with the Simonton 9800 you won't be taking a step backward with Sunrise if that's your concern. Looking for something totally unique? Their blinds are actually inside the thermal unit -- unlike the Pella product that has the blinds in the space between the thermal pane and a third piece of glass. Pella® Insynctive® technology is an innovative, personalized solution that lets you check if your windows and doors are locked or unlocked with hidden security sensors. This is available for both windows and for doors. Finally check the operation of the blind or shade and replace the grilles,. I carry both the Simonton 9800 and the Sunrise products. The time has come to purchase replacement windows and you are considering all the options and accessories available in the market today. Standard enclosed blinds are sealed between two tempered glass or severe weather glass panels. With these blinds, there is no dusting, no tangled cords, and you are actually able to SEE the windows you just bought! Pella warrants the blinds for 10 years. Shop Blinds between the glass windows & doors at Lowes.com. Adding blinds or shades to your windows and patio doors increases privacy and adds style. They also have replacement shads that can replace the blinds. Discover the custom capabilities of Kenyon’s Glass. The time has come to purchase replacement windows and you are considering all the options and accessories available in the market today. This is not an uncommon issue with between the glass blinds. When … Also, if you go with blinds does that eliminate the possibility of built-in grills? Purchasing replacement windows? Blink Blinds + Glass. Check the window date on the bottom corner of the glass. Sunrise windows are vinyl not wood -- like Pella. The Sunrise patio door is one of the best I've seen on the market. With most traditional window treatments, your new windows are all covered up, and you are not able to enjoy looking at your new investment. Find quality windows & doors online or in store. Replacement Windows – Window Blinds between the Glass?