It promotes individual and group learning, helps in developing students’ vocabulary, enhancing comprehension, developing the habit of silent reading and … Congress established its Law Library in 1832, recognizing its need for ready access to reliable legal materials. The word derives from the Latin liber, “book,” whereas a Latinized Greek word, bibliotheca, is the origin of the word for library in German, Russian, and the Romance Cities in the world are rapidly urbanising and rapid population increase, As world population grows so does the solid waste generation increases as well. This goes directly against the stereotype of public libraries as quiet places. Rome’s first public library was established by Asinius Pollio who was a lieutenant of Julius Caesar. One user of the library where the author works has said that he would kill himself if the library closed down as there would be nothing else for him to do and no-one else he could talk to. THE IMPORTANCE OF A LIBRARY. There … A library can be considered a store – house of knowledge. 0 Responses. The Library of Alexandria, in Egypt, was the largest and most important library of the ancient world. In dictionaries the word “library” has been defined as “a building or room containing a collection of books”. There are a large number of Public Libraries maintained by the local authorities throughout the island. With its books suited to the interests and aptitude of students of different age group, with its magazines, periodicals, news papers and with its calm and tranquil atmosphere it has a special call to the students who go there and quench their thirst for reading the material which cannot be provided to them in the class room. The library is often the only place where the user can talk to others. 10 Reasons Why Reading is So Important, Why Reading is important, Why is reading important, Read aloud resources, Reasons to read, kids reading, Teaching children to read, great books to read, Bookworm and raising readers, Reading is important for children, Books, Reading Tips and strategies, #read #reading #bookworm #readingchallenge A library is a building or a room containing many books for reading and reference. Importance of School Library are given below: Library is the heart of a school’s academic activities. The teaching-learning process will be lack-lustre without a good library. The Library of Congress is the nation's oldest federal cultural institution, and it serves as the research arm of Congress. Promote the Public Library, too! The library occupies a very important place in school. From School Library Journal, March, 2018. Summary: This paper discusses the importance of recycling in Solid waste Management. Importance of a Library. We have all heard that reading is beneficial, but do you know why? The society expects you to go to school followed by college, get a job, settle down etc. Libraries do, however, boast a … Reading books to help us learn and understand and makes us smarter, not to mention the knowledge, vocabulary and thinking skills we develop. The public library is a local centre of information that makes all kinds of knowledge and information readily available to its users. In fact, reading is free at the library! A library can be considered a store – house of knowledge. It is a safe place to meet friends, use the internet or get help with school assignments. A library renders a great service to the society. When he provides information to the user he must communicate clearly and respectfully with customers and colleagues. Others contrast a library unfavorably with the Internet as a research tool. Creating a Culture of Literacy - A handbook for principals to assist in the development of literacy in … This checklist is by Doug Johnson and was written in 2009. Library, with one r-sound following close upon another, is particularly vulnerable to the process of dissimilation—the tendency for neighboring like sounds to become … The prime purpose of a library is to provide access to knowledge and information. We put together 10 reasons why you should read a book today. Importance of Reading Books. With its books suited to the interests and aptitude of students of different age group, with its magazines, periodicals, news papers and with its calm and tranquil atmosphere it has a special call to the students who go there and quench their thirst for reading the material which cannot be provided to them in the class room.