if it's above a hot radiator) or from underfeeding.
It is typically easy to care for, and it will grow well in a variety of environments.
read more » The tips of the leaves may turn brown in dry atmospheres, so mist the foliage regularly, and cut off brown tips with sharp scissors. Spider plants are popular houseplants with a reputation of being highly adaptable and resilient. ), cordylines (Cordyline spp.) And while the spider plant is certainly a very low maintenance plant, there are a few common problems growing spider plants. These tolerant plants are easy to grow and propagate, and look great even without the macramé. Let’s figure out what’s wrong with your plant. After pruning, repot the spider plant, giving it a good root pruning as well prior to returning it to the pot of fresh soil. If the leaves aren't a healthy green, the plant may be getting too much sunlight. It now has 3 long shoots growing from the middle of it. One of the problems often encountered with houseplants is that the tip of the leaf turns brown, dries out and dies. I've had my spider plant for about a year. Why Do Leaf Tips Turn Brown? What brown tips on the leaves of house plants really mean. The spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) is a very adaptable houseplant that can be found in many homes. Spider plants are easy to propagate, either by division in late spring or by potting up the plantlets into small pots of compost. An important spider plant care tip is to only use distilled water. ... Why the Leaves on Your Houseplant Are Turning Brown on the Tips. All these things can be fixed. Leaf-tip browning is an annoying condition that commonly affects certain types of houseplants. The Spider Plant thrives in various conditions and is not prone to many health issues, except for brown tips, which seem to be quite common. Spider plants were perfect for the macramé plant hangers that were everywhere in the 1970s, and with the resurgence of macramé and the indoor jungle, spider plants are making a comeback, too. Spider Plant has leaves with brown tips . Learn why houseplant leaves turn brown and how you can prevent it. ... but it's a sure sign that something is off with your houseplant's living conditions.