These are cool season plants, meaning they will tolerate a light frost, thrive in short daylight hours and perform best with mild temperatures. Keep in mind that hardy vegetables can easily tolerate hard frosts, around 25 to 28 degrees F. Full sun to partial shade. Nothing can compare with vegetables and herbs fresh from your garden. They are typically planted early in spring for late spring harvest and late in summer for fall harvest. Fall-planted leafy greens such as kale and collards are not only tough enough... Alliums. Beets, carrots, radishes, and turnips are also good fall harvest crops. When to Plant: ... eat or cut the garlic scapes in the spring, harvest next fall when the leaves turn brown, cure for 2-3 weeks. The Vegetable Garden Planting Calendar below will help you plan if and when your seeds should be started indoors, when to start or transplant your seeds/seedlings to the outdoors, and roughly when to expect to harvest your seeds. Aug 16, 2017 . Some vegetables even taste better when nipped by a light frost. Then enjoy! There are many perennial vegetables—vegetables you can plant once and harvest for many years to come. These veggies grow from seed to harvest in … Plant the hardy and semi-hardy vegetables below in early spring for spring harvests and again in late summer for fall harvests. SPINACH. The secret to a bountiful early harvest is choosing the right seeds. Fall is also a great time to plant perennial vegetables and fruits (the kinds that come back year after year) like asparagus and strawberries.While you won’t get to harvest until spring (and not until the second spring for asparagus), the cooler fall temperatures give the plants … All of these crops can be direct sown in the garden in mid- to late-summer. If you’re getting a late start on your home garden or live in a region with a short growing season, fear not. Best Vegetables for Fall. As you peruse catalogs or seed kiosks, keep this in mind: Choose cold-resistant vegetables to plant this spring, and well begun, you’ll be half done. October Planting Guide - 6 crops you SHOULD plant in October - Our Stoney Acres There are a few seeds you can plant in October to over winter for an early spring harvest. 10 vegetables to plant now for a bountiful spring harvest Leafy greens.